It’s impossible that one can go through life without any obstacles or setbacks. When faced with hardships, people can tend to curl up in a ball. They can forget that they actually have a say in how their life will be like after the storm is over.

It’s either overcoming the obstacles or let it overcome you.

It can be difficult to push through hardships. To let go of your fear and go forward, however it is not impossible. Clearing those obstacles will give you an unforgettable sense of accomplishment

Here are 9 Useful Principles that might come in handy whenever you feel like you’re facing a bump in the road:sunset-summer-golden-hour-paul-filitchkin-large

  1. Don’t accept advice from anyone who has never been in your situation, or is not where you want to be. How can they give good advice if they’ve never been through it?
  2. Filter the advice you received. Not all advice is good, especially when you don’t have the resources to see it through. If you get advice so good but you’re lacking some resources to follow it through, then maybe with some help from a trusted advisor it could be useful.
  3. Lack of experience? No problem! Compensate that with integrity and attention to detail. Always be willing to offer nothing less than the highest quality and service in everything you do. If you can, exceed your customers’ needs even if they don’t ask for it!
  4. Own up to your mistakes & try everything you can to make it right. Apologise, refund, or redo the work entirely. It’s possible to still make big gains by giving in when you need to. Even when you don’t make big gains, you will always have the reward of knowing that you tried to do what was right.
  5. Focus on what you can do. Wasting your time, energy, or money focusing on what you cannot do is stupid. Don’t do that – EVER. Instead,  Immerse yourself in continually learning, filtering, applying, and refining what you do.
  6. Surround yourself with good people, and stay away from negative people – the kind that always able to point out something’s wrong with you. Reach out to others who are like you and share the same ideals and ideas, develop friendships with them. Better yet, build alliances and network with them so it would be easier for you all to help each other to get through all the hardships life has to offer.
  7. Don’t pigeonhole yourself into one plan. Train yourself to always be on edge for something new, more exciting, or at least some backup plan just in case your current idea doesn’t work out.
  8. Keep reminding yourself that obstacles are opportunities in disguise. Without obstacles, life has no meaning, you will not learn anything new, and life in general would be super boring.
  9. It’s normal to feel fear & be afraid of rejection. Nonetheless, always remind yourself that there is no reason to give up before you even get started. Who knows how things could be like in the end if you didn’t even give it a chance?


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