Business Development Consulting
For Business Owners and Founders the Lock-Down has changed our habits and the way we do Business.
These Are Challenging Times Indeed
Don’t Panic, however, Do Over React
You need to make a deliberate decisions and then go all out in your pursuits of Business Excellence
CoVid-19 is affecting our Economy
- It is changing the way we do Business
- It is Affecting what we do
- It is affecting what we sell and how we sell
It is our desire to help Business Owners and Founders. We all need to work together and help wherever we can.
If you are a Business Owner or Founder, you have the opportunity to claim your Complimentary Business Coaching.
Click on the Client Booking Page Tab
Business Development Consulting
Business Start Up
Business Facilitation
Why Business Development Consulting?
As a small Business Owner and Entrepreneur, you know the feeling of having Strategic problems and not knowing where to turn for advice.
There are 5 Pillars to Every Successful Mentoring Session
Most people prefer the opportunity and esteem that comes with studying under the top expert in their field or discipline.
The mentoring structure should be based on a solid platform or system that has proven results, and is flexible enough to be applied in all areas of life. (You are a whole person, and should be treated as one.)
Trust must be reinforced with truth and honesty. Only then will integrity flourish.
There is no growth without change. Challenges are the tipping point to change. You must face challenges to be better. Without change, you stagnate and fester.
This is the most important part of all.
Each individual client must be Mentored singly.If you want pre-recorded services, then they are doing an injustice to you.
It is through Mentoring and Discussion that ‘key ingredients’ that benefit clients are found.
There is No Cookie Cutter solution for everyone.
Business Development Consulting Services
Maverick Mentoring conduct’s Business Development Consulting in Melbourne and throughout Australia. You are unique, your Business is unique and therefore your goals are unique to you. Business owners, Entrepreneurs and SME’s all are in Business to make a profit and make a difference while creating a legacy.
Maverick Mentoring works with you to create a unique and customised approach to Designing your Brand and Marketing Strategy.
The Products and Programs are designed to suit you and your Businesses Specific needs. There is no one size fits all philosophy. After many years of working with Business around Australia, we know the importance of designing with you a program that will meet your specific needs. The program is to work with you to achieve your goals.
- Award-Winning Service
- Customized Business Consulting Service’s to Help You Reach Your Goals
- Accountability with a Trusted adviser
- Every step is measured and tested
- Weekly accountability to help keep you focused and on track
- These are you Goals, we work with you to achieve them

What Maverick stands for….
To work with you to unleash the Inspiration to be Exceptional. As you work together you will experience personal success and build the success of the Business. To become an Entrepreneur you must have a system for success. You must have trusted people around who are focused on supporting you and the success you are heading towards.
Maverick Mentoring works with Entrepreneurs and Business Owners who are focused on Success and achieving their goals.
Time Management Mastery
How often have you participated in a course or workshop only to find you have enjoyed the time and then when you get back into work the busyness takes over and you are back to your old habits?
When you develop the disciplines of time management, you simultaneously develop many of the other habits that lead to high achievement, wealth, and success in every part of your life.
Time Management is about eliminating unnecessary tasks from your day and identifying the tasks that need your attention and spend time there.
Do you want to change what is going on in your Business and the world around you – your relationships, results, and rewards?
“The presentation was timely and very effective under the current economic circumstances. With developing our focus on the core traits of ourselves and how we align them with the values of the business was a great tool to get us working with the common purpose of why we started this in the first place.
Peter your ability to teach us new skills in rapport building, the use on Neuro-Linguistic programming was an eye opener for the team and me. What I found most useful was the way in which you put us all at ease. Your skills and ability to talk to all of us made it very effective indeed. I found the content and tasks you set us to do easily laid out. In a format which allowed us to learn and apply the skills immediately and get better results than we had been getting up until this point.”