For Example – James is a 45yr old, male with a wife and 2 children.

  • Not enough time to complete daily tasks
  • Not enough clients and always has to chase prospects
  • Not enough money coming and also has to chase people up
  • He worries constantly about providing for his family and children
  • His wife is always complaining about working to much
  • He is passionate about chasing his dream and working for himself
  • He wants things done for him
  • He wants solutions fast
  • He wants more time & money
  • He wants less hassles

He wants to grow and get bigger, so you can see you’re starting to get a clear message on your AVATAR. What this provides is a starting point to know where to go and find this AVATAR. There is no point knowing all of this and then advertising in a local newspaper. This person doesn’t have the time to read the paper let alone see what you have to offer. The final part of knowing your AVATAR IS THE SECRET to this exercise. When a prospect calls or you’re speaking with a prospect, you are always answering the questions of the AVATAR and NOT THE ACTUAL PERSON. You see, if the prospect you’re speaking with is your AVATAR, then they will be all over you ready to buy as you have just answered their burning desires and solved their frustrations. Here is a selection of questions you should be answering about your Avatar.

  • What do they want?
  • How would they feel if they had what you offered?
  • How would they act if they had what you offered?
  • How would what you have change their life?
  • What objections do they have, in relation to the type of product/service you are offering?
  • Who else is selling something similar to them and how?
  • What is the attitude of your ideal client?
  • What has been their biggest challenge?

Do you have the Vision for success that you need to achieve your goals? Now is the time for you and I to get connected to ensure you have the Success and Lifestyle you are working towards. Secure your time now!  Make your appointment to Unleash your Vision to be the Leader within your Business that inspires and motivates. Stop Selling, Start Connecting With Marketing That Attracts


Peter Blasch

PS. Are you a follower or  a Leader