Do you know what all top salespeople have in common? They have taken the time to sit down and create a clear blueprint for themselves and their future lives. Even if they started the process of goal setting and personal strategic planning with a little skepticism, every one of them

Kick start IIhas become a true believer.

Every one of them has been amazed at the incredible power of goal setting and strategic planning. Every one of them has accomplished far more than they ever believed possible in selling and they ascribe their success to the deliberate process of thinking through every aspect of their work and their lives, and then developing a detailed, written road map to get them to where they wanted to go.

Goal setting; this the one term that can make people cringe at its very mention. The fact is Goal Setting works. The reason people don’t get it is they are doing it the wrong way. Goal setting works and is an important component of the Law of Expectations.

By having clear goals it increases the future expectations people have for themselves. By visualizing themselves achieving their goals makes the achievement of those very goals more tangible.

For goal setting and achievement to be powerful they must have in them the power to stretch and inspire. They must be set as realistic in the mind of the person being persuaded. The goals that set dictate the future performance for the person. When goals set they then influence the overall performance of the person.

The greater or more difficult a goal is; it will actually increase performance. The reason for this is that the loftier a goal is; it sets a higher expectation in the person.

There is one style of Goal setting that I recommend, it is the SMART Goal.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Goal: “An aim or end in mind.’ Aim relates to direction  End relates to outcome


SMART is an acronym that can be used to help ensure that effective objectives or goals are set.


Specific objectives are clear and well defined. This helps both the performer and the manager, as the performer knows what is expected of them and the manager is able to monitor and assess actual performance against the specific objectives.


Progress towards objectives often needs to be to be monitored whilst work is under way. It is also very useful to know when that work has been done and the objectives are completed. A measurable objective achieves this end.


When giving objectives, the person may not be able to achieve it for various reasons, including a lack of skill, not having enough resourc

es (computers, tools, etc.), not having access to key people and not having management support. Achievable objectives ensure that everything is in place and that if the person does not reach the goals they cannot reasonably point the finger elsewhere.


Objectives should also add useful value within the context where they are being set, being aligned with strategies and higher goals.


Descriptions of objectives should also include timescales of what is required by when. This may also include details of delivery, stating (if relevant) where objectives are to be completed.

Giving a time scale adds appropriate sense of urgency and ensures that the objectives do not dribble out over an unreasonably long timescale.

Without a set time frame you could easily find yourself becoming sloppy… There’s a big difference between saying “I’m going to finish the project”, and “I’m going to the project in the next 90-days”.

With no time frame you could still be chasing those same goals in ten years’ time! The last thing I want to say is, get emotionally involved with your goals… That way they’ll stick in your mind and you’ll become obsessed about achieving them! Get SMART about your goal-setting today and start achieving.

Do you have the Vision for success that you need to achieve your goals?
Now is the time for you and I to get connected to ensure you have the Success and Lifestyle you are working towards. Secure your time now!

Make your appointment to Unleash your Vision to be the Leader within your Business that inspires and motivates.

Stop Selling, Start Connecting With Marketing That Attracts






Peter Blasch


PS. Are you a Follower or a Leader?