3 Disciplines for High Performing Business Owners
There are three disciplines you must develop if you want to achieve all that is possible for your Business. You can learn these disciplines through practice and repetition until they become automatic.
- Goal Setting
- Planning and Organizing
- Priority Setting
This week we are going to look at Goal Setting. Specifically, one of the biggest mistakes people make is that they float through life without truly knowing what it is that they want to achieve.
Just think what would happen if you get in your car and you don’t have a destination in mind. You will waste a lot of time, money and energy just driving around. And sure, you will end up somewhere but wouldn’t it be better to take a few moments and actually plan on where you want to go?
The flip side of the coin are those people that not only know their outcome but strive to make sure that nothing will ever stand in the way of achieving their goals.
Every ninety days I write in detail my 90 day business plan. It’s constructed based on my five year goal – to be “the first choice Business Coaching and Mentoring for Business owners throughout Australia.”
As a result of this five year plan, I also have a one year plan, and that chunks down to this 90 day plan. Each section of the business is given a title, and then I ask myself, “What do I want to achieve in that area of the business in the next 90 days, that will forward our long-term goal?”
The areas of the business I write goals for include –
- Sales Marketing
- Client Services
- Networking
- Training
- Systems
- Finances
Once I’ve written down the goals for each area of the business, I then list every task I need to do to achieve that goal in that time frame.
With this level of detail I know whether or not I am on track for the achievement of my 90 day goals. I then put into my 90 Day Planner the Tasks I need to accomplish and the timeframe for accomplishing each of them, so there is forward momentum every week in their achievement.
Do you have the Vision for success that you need to achieve your goals? Now is the time for you and I to get connected to ensure you have the Success and Lifestyle you are working towards.
Secure your time now! Make your appointment to Unleash your Vision to be the Leader within your Business that inspires and motivates.
Trust this assists with you building your business!
Stop Selling, Start Connecting With Marketing That Attracts
PS. Are you a Follower or a Leader?