There are three questions that you will be asked as the Entrepreneur by a Business Coach.
- What is you Dream?
- What is your Passion?
- Are you Motivated by the Big Picture of Success you have for your future?
There are many ways to be a Successful Entrepreneur. It could be through a Service you provide. It could be through a Product you sell. It could be through imparting your knowledge as you show other Business owners what you know.
All these start from humble beginnings and reflect the Commitment, Passion and Focus the Entrepreneur has to achieving their goals and persevering in the face of doubt and obstacles. Which more often than not can come from friends, family or your own self-talk.
They mean well, however they are concerned with staying safe. They are reflecting their own insecurities and hoping you will buy into their limiting beliefs.
To add to this, you have your Mind working at keeping you safe too. Talk about busy, between your Mind and your mates these forces are focused on one thing and one thing only: Their Safety! They are hopping you will buy into their limiting beliefs and hold yourself back. They want you to slow down so then they will not feel uncomfortable.
What if, all you heard were lies? Should you avoid their doubts? Remember, this is about your Dream and Goals. The lies should be avoided because you know your Goals and what you are going to achieve through the Passion and desire you have.
To be a Successful Entrepreneur you must silence the naysayers and know “How to Identify The Lies That Are Holding You Back”. These lies are about convincing us not to take action. Stay safe, pull your head in and stop making a fuss.
I can’t do it
- It seems too hard, so we think we can’t stick to the change. We don’t believe in ourselves.
I need my ___
- Coffee, someone to believe in me, TV, Space and the list could go on. All of which are distractions from the main task
I’m afraid
- This is getting closer to what we believe to be true. However, it is OK to be afraid. That can keep us focused and on Target. It is not an excuse for in activity
I don’t feel like it
- There will always be things that we don’t’ feel like. It is also a coward’s way out. Get up and follow your Dreams,
I’m tired
- Yes well, you could be. Does it mean you have to stop and put aside the Dream? Remember, there is a difference between needing a rest and being exhausted
Now you know what to listen out for. It is time to check your goals and make sure you are Focused and Equipped with a Strategic plan that you are following.
You have your passion and you are being driven by it. Your motivation comes from setting your eyes on the BIG picture and the Success you are going to have.
Now notice what you have read, is there a gap in your Business Plan? Now is the time to get in touch with your Business Coach and ensure your 90 Day Plan is written for the next quarter. Is it aligned with your yearly Goals?
Get in touch, book some time and get Focused so you will achieve your Dreams and Goals.