The function of business is continually evolving. Therefore the way you do Business must always be adapting to the new ways and technologies that are being developed.
Your marketing strategy is something that is kept close to you and should reflect the new developments in your industry as they become available. With your Marketing Plan, you do not share this with everyone. It is your strategic plan for connecting with customers in a way that is inspiring. It is your Unique way of adding Value to your Sales Process.
Unlike your Business Plan which is created to show bankers and financiers. It has projected sales figures. It has forecasted income figures which is about what you could do.
The Marketing Plan is a valuable resource, which shows what you are doing:
- How you will generate leads
- How you will drive traffic to your site
- How to market to your customers,
- How you will develop products
- How you will produce content
- How you will communicate with prospective customers
- The function of Social Media
Ultimately, this is how you will grow & expand your business.
There was a time when it use to be the 4 P’s of Marketing which comes from 1965. It was: Product, Price, Position and Promotion
We are in a new day which, requires a new focus and a new way to view the function of business. The elements that need to be considered for your Marketing Plan now are:
- Purpose – Not what you do, but Why you do what you do
- People – Who you serve not what you sell
- Personal – Becoming more relevant to those people
- Perception – Being believed, not just noticed
Now, every aspect of your business is about creating connection. Purpose matters – Connection is Paramount. All aspects of business are made into processes. Ask yourself this question when designing your processes: “Is this how an inspiring Enterprise would do this?” The processes are steps to follow for all the functions of business.
You must be clear on who your Ideal client is we call this the Avatar. Who in the marketplace do you want to do business with? Research your target audience; understand how they see themselves. Leverage their beliefs about who they are in your messaging. Leading the Market Has Nothing To Do With Products.
You have to be connected with everyone who touches your brand. What are the problems that you are solving for your customer and what is the benefit they get from doing business with you?
“Unique” and “Value” are Perceptions and they’re almost always little things that you do. It is always the little things that will make the difference.
The core of your business must have Meaning and Purpose
“People do not buy what you do, they buy why you do it. The question is: Why do you do what you do?” Simon Sinek. Your Why must be front and centre
These are the Things that matter for your customers and how you conduct your business.
- Implementation
- Unique and Value are perceptions
- Believe what you believe
- It is not what you do – It is why you do it
- Enjoy moments of connection
To know how to design your Marketing Plan, if you need to be remarkable then connect with me here and book a time to discuss how to design your Uniqueness.
Remember, your business wants to inspire clients to live extraordinary lives and do business in extraordinary ways. The Core of your Business must have “Meaning” and “Purpose”