Business Mentor and CoachThis is Part 2 of Maverick Mentoring’s tetralogy on Client Attraction Matrix, will give you 5 important criteria for creating a great Lead Bait that could help you stand out in the marketplace and lead the consumers to your business.

No matter how good your products or services are, a business means nothing without its customers. Therefore, as the business owner you must find ways to promote your presence in the marketplace and attract customers, the more the better.

Imagine yourself as a fisherman. Surely, it is nice to capture 2 or 3 fish at a time, but with good bait, many fish in the nearby area will be lured towards your position automatically. Attracting customers can also follow that same logic if you imagine the marketplace is a big sea and the customers are the fish in that sea. That means, the first thing you want to have is a killer bait that have the power to lead the customer to your business.

  1. Price Reduction

Everybody loves a bargain so a price reduction is the first thing you should think of when you want more people to pay attention to your business. The discount should be powerful enough to engage attention, but at the same time able to retain its believability. Marketing experts advise that the number should fall somewhere between 20% – 50%. Less than that, people will not be interested. Higher than 50% will make people question the credibility of your offer.

  1. Scarcity – Limited Time, Limited Number

The idea that scarce products are more desirable is nothing new. By including scarcity into your bait, you have increased the desire in the customer’s mind dramatically.

  1. Bonuses

People loves free stuffs – there is no question about that. Thus, a bonus is one of the most powerful elements you can include in your lead bait. Technically, a bonus is not really “free”, but the unconscious mind of a human being still value it as “free”. A value should be attached to the bonus as an added benefit for the customers and not just a normal random free item.

  1. A Guarantee

“An unconditional money back guarantee” is, with no doubt, one of the greatest phrases customers want to hear. Note that the guarantee period and the amount of claims from the customers are inversely proportional i.e. the shorter the guarantee period the more claims you will receive, so think carefully about your offer.

  1. A Specific Tangible Benefit

People like things that they can actually touch, feel or measure. Anything unclear or insipid at this point can do no good and will cost you some more. Good examples for this could be “Drop 5 kilos in 20 days!” or “Get 6.5 on your IELTS test in 60 days!”.

Note that while all of the above criteria are important, if you jam them all in one offer it will be too much to take in and you might not have any credibility. The more you have the better, but remember to choose wisely.

The art of client attraction is fun and challenging all at the same time. Enjoy the opportunity to grow your business. When you get this operating correctly you change the sales proposition. You stop selling and start connecting with marketing that attracts.

Cheers, Peter