Let’s face it, without customers, your business means nothing.

No customerUnderstand Your Avatar means no sales, no sales means no profit, and no profit will eventually lead to bankruptcy. Thus, attracting customers to your business is the most important priority for every business owners.

However, it is easier to talk about it than actually doing it. To cut through the clutter of fierce competition in the marketplace and actually stand out to catch the eyes of customers is not an easy task. Lots of work and investments is required, especially in the case of start-ups or small businesses, which might intimidate some business owners.

Understanding this, Maverick Mentoring for Business has come up with Client Attraction Matrix to aid with businesses’ customer attracting process, making it more effective and efficient.

Throughout February, Maverick Mentoring for Business will publish a tetralogy which focuses on Client Attraction. In this first blog, we will talk about why business owners should have a thorough understanding of the business and their Avatar, and give some guide on how they can achieve that.

Understanding Yourself

In order to communicate the right message to the customers, a business should have a thorough understanding of themselves first.

  • What are your products or services?
  • What exactly are you offering to the customers?
  • In what way it will be provided to the customers?
  • Will your products and service benefit the customers and in what way? Etc.

This information is what a customer will want to know about a business and thus, answers should be prepared beforehand and given immediately when asked. What this means, not only the business owner but also all the staff of the business should know exactly what the business is selling.

No one likes to receive a fumbling, vague, or worse, disrespectful answers. Therefore, how the answers will be communicated by staff, especially the sales force, is also an important point that demands consistent training and supervision. If your business can perfect this step, you are one step closer to gaining a bigger piece of market share and capture the hearts of customers.

Understanding Your Avatar

Each target markets have their own characteristics and their own needs. If you can understand their needs and alter your products or services to fit with those, it will be so much easier for you to establish marketing plans that can successfully catch their attention in the midst of trillion advertising schemes in the market place.

An Avatar is the portrait of the ideal customer of a business. As stated above, it is at utmost importance that a business must understand the characteristics and needs of their Avatar in order to successfully promote their business and catch the customers’ attention. In order to reach your customers, you should have some information about them and answer these questions.

  • Where do they live?
  • What do they like?
  • What are their challenges?
  • What are their fears?
  • What excites them?
  • Do they have a family?
  • What do they want?
  • What do they believe about their current situation?
  • What do they wish they had more of?

Conducting marketing schemes without any understanding of the customers is like sending a package without knowing the address – pointless and costly. Business owners should find solutions to gain a full understanding of their business and their customers in order to cut through the clutter in the marketplace and achieve success.

If you are a business owner struggling to attract more customers to your firm, contact Maverick Mentoring for Business for a free 1-on-1 Consultation.

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