Now that you are mastering your skills in effective decision making the next step is to use those skills in increasing your productivity. Time Management is not about giving you some tools or resources and sending you on your way. Time Management is about developing a Mindset that is focused on results and staying on task when a job needs to be done. Time Management is about getting your work done on time so you can have more time for family, friends or whatever else you choose.
Good work habits go hand in hand with success in every area of your life. There is nothing that will bring you to the attention of others faster than developing a reputation for being a good, dependable worker.
How you work determines:
How much you earn
How effective you are
How much you are respected in your organization
How much real satisfaction you get out of your job
There are two words that summarise habits of good Time Management:
Focus on What is Important to Your Most Important Goal
Focus requires clarity concerning the desired results you want and the steps you need to take to achieve those results. To be effective you need to be adjusting and working on what is the most important thing you could be doing at the moment to achieve the goals you have set.
Concentrate Your Energies
Concentration requires the ability to stay with a job till it is 100% completed. Concentration means you stick with a job, you don’t get distracted you work without diversion or distraction. This decision alone will increase the quality and quantity of what you get done each day.
Four Keys to Increasing Your Productivity
These four keys once mastered will increase your productivity, they require that you apply them and use them on a daily and weekly basis.
Key Number One
Set Goals and Objectives and Write them down
Think through what you are trying to accomplish before you begin. “What do you want to do?” Set a daily to-do list of things that you should do today to work towards your goals. Writing goals down crystallizes them and gives them more force.
Once you have decided your first set of plans, keep the process going by reviewing and updating your to-do list on a daily basis. Periodically review the longer-term plans, and modify them to reflect your changing priorities and experience.
Key Number Two
Have a Plan of work and Action Plan for achieving them
Not only is changing your language important, because it sets up a proactive mindset towards the goal you want to achieve – following through with action is equally important. By identifying your next steps, you set yourself up for success. By doing what you say you will do, you can experience something very real, which you can truly feel and own. We can easily say we can do something we haven’t done before and act it out in our head. But until we act, we can’t claim to say we can do something we actually haven’t done yet. We can’t claim – nor can we give away – what we don’t own or haven’t experienced.
Key Number Three
Set Priorities
When you have several goals, give each a priority. This helps you to avoid feeling overwhelmed by too many goals, and helps to direct your attention to the most important ones. Discipline yourself to work on the highest priority before you do anything else.
Key Number Four
Concentrate, without diversion or distraction on you goals
Be single minded, know what you need to achieve, know what you need to do and without distraction or diversion work on the most important thing you can do to achieve the goal. Your success comes from getting things done.
Completion of a task is a source of energy, enthusiasm, and self-esteem. The flip side of this is if you fail to complete the goals you have set or complete them partially, it is not only a major source of stress, but it depletes your enthusiasm and self esteem.
When an important task is completed you experience a surge of energy and well being. Also, when you work on an unimportant task, even if you complete it in a timely manner, you get no feeling of satisfaction or personal reward at all.
The discipline is concentrating on your job until it is completed, then you will experience self-control, so you feel that you are in charge of your own destiny.
Develop the habit of completion; finish what you start. This is an essential part of character building.
Visualise yourself as focused and channeled towards high achievement. See yourself as a highly productive, efficient person. Remember, the person you “see” is the person you will “be.”
You position yourself for success by focusing your mind with positive pictures, images you create, or repeat pictures of previous peak performance experiences.
One of the most important habits you can develop is the habit of closure. The human brain thrills to any completed task. Set specific deadlines for the goals you set. Discipline yourself to do one thing at a time, do that till completed, before you begin something else.
Each time you satisfy your brains need for closure, it releases endorphins into your bloodstream. These endorphins give you a sense of happiness and well-being. They increase energy and creativity. They improve your personality and make you feel good about yourself. Disciplining yourself to complete important tasks improves the quality of your life and increases your productivity.
Self Talk – Positive Language
By using positive language you will improve your ability to concentrate on the your set tasks and goals. Whatever command you repeat to yourself eventually will be accepted by your subconscious which then motivates and drives you to behave in a way consistent with that command.
A small change in words can significantly alter the meaning of a message you give yourself and your unconscious mind. Instead of using words like wishing and hoping, choose language that expresses your commitment. For example, I could say, “I hope I get a promotion at work”. Instead, I could say something more empowering, which expresses commitment, such as; “I will perform my work beyond expectations to create new career opportunities.” It’s about choosing words to express conviction, pro-activity and courage. If you do, it changes the energy with which you approach a goal and provides a greater opportunity to achieve it. Using this type of language signifies commitment rather than relying upon hoping and wishing something will turn up.
To know more about making Time Management and how to have success in your life and work email Peter Blasch.
Also to become a Time Management Master, visit
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