MindsetTo know What Successful People believe about Business read on to discover more. Successful people absolutely believe that they have the ability to succeed. And they will not entertain, think about, or talk about the possibilities that they’ll fail. They do not even consider the possibility of failure.

This post is designed to create an awareness and by no means is it possible to go into all the details however it is my purpose to give you a starting place for further investigation in developing your Vision and Mission for Business Success. Maverick Mentoring conducts Business Coaching in Melbourne and around Australia showing Business owners how they can have Dream Big and have the Success they are working towards.

There is so much to talk about here, last week I started to share aboutSelf Confidence and before that it was Time Management. This week however I would like to talk about Vision and Mission Strategies. In the coming weeks I will also be discussing Key Performance Indicators, Developing your Implementation Plan and your Personal plans for Success.

Vision Statements and Mission Statements are the inspiring words chosen by successful leaders to clearly and concisely convey the direction of the organization.

By crafting a clear mission statement and vision statement, you can powerfully communicate your intentions and motivate your team or organization to realize an attractive and inspiring common vision of the future. To develop an effective mission statement, ask yourself these questions:

  • Why does my company exist? Who do we serve? What is our purpose?
  • What are our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats?
  • Considering the above, along with our expertise and resources, what business should we be in?
  • What is important to us? What do we stand for?
  • Now that you’ve answered those questions, you are ready to write your own mission statement.

These are the necessary steps to keep you moving in the direction of SUCCESS. The Determinant of Your Success, Perhaps the most powerful single factor in your financial success is your beliefs about yourself and money. We call this the Law of Belief. It says simply this:

Whatever you believe, with feeling, becomes your reality. Whatever you intensely believe becomes your reality. That we have a tendency to block out any information coming in to us that is inconsistent with our reality

Successful people plan their success. They set goals and work towards achieving them. Many use the S.M.A.R.T. Goal process. SMART is an acronym that can be used to help ensure that effective objectives or goals are set.

  • Goal: “An aim or end in mind.’
  • Aim relates to direction
  • End relates to outcome
    • Specific – Significant, Stretching, Simple
    • Measurable – Motivational, Meaningful
    • Achievable – Attainable, Acceptable, Action-orientated
    • Realistic – Relevant, Reasonable, Results-orientated
    • TimedTangible, Toward what you want

To help you get the most from this I have attached a Template for writing a VISION and MISSION Statement for you Business. This is available as a FREE download.

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