What Is Your Communication Like?
It’s been said that the quality of your life is determined by the quality of your communication with yourself and with others. A Business Leader’s knowledge of self is key to communicating effectively. Communication excellence will always be the determining factor for success for Business owners who are serious about growing their Business while increasing the efficiency of their processes.
Everyone has a story or knows of a story about a disastrous trip to the hairdresser. Have you ever returned from a trip to the hairdressers unhappy with the results of your visit? You walked in sat down, the hairdresser asked you what you wanted and your response was “oh I dunno something different”.
And the result of your communication was equal to the effectiveness of your communication!
Think back to the effectiveness of what you communicated to the hairdresser and the results you received. Were you actually thinking, shorter, different style, different color, I’m bored with the same cut, and or I really just wanted a little extra off the back. How much of what you were actually thinking did you relate to the hair dresser and how much were you expecting them to read your mind because “they’re the professional they should know what I want just by looking at me. I have been coming here now for at least 6 months”.
Is the way you relate to your hairdresser reflective of how you relate to yourself and others? Do you just expect others to pick up on your little innuendos and understand comprehensively what you are asking of them? Or is part of the issue that you don’t really understand yourself that well and know what you really want so you struggle to communicate that effectively to others?
Your interactions with other people consume as much time, if not more than any other part of your day. This being said, some of the biggest time wasters in life are people. It is the people problems that slow us down, yet we need to interact and work with each other.
Everyday conversations are to business what an engine it to an automobile. Without them, nothing moves. Yet despite their obvious importance, many conversations at work seem to go nowhere and don’t produce the desired results. Knowing what conversations create action and which create inertia is a crucial skill for making the most of your day.
Ask yourself, “What is effective communication and how do you measure its effectiveness?”
Isn’t it by the result that you achieve?
Business Leaders that achieve outstanding results have mastered the ability to know themselves and others, and have learned to ask themselves great questions.
Conversations, which contain specific results are a far cry from conversations that go around and around. These types of inertia conversations are one of the biggest time wasters in the workplace, because they have a focus on personal opinion with no commitment to resolution.
In a study from the University of California, professor Gloria Mark found that people spend on average only 10.5 minutes on a task before being interrupted, and that it takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to return to the original task. The study also showed that 56% of the time the distraction is caused by an external force, and 44% of the time by self-interruption.
Your ability to communicate with others will account for fully 85% of your success in your business and in your life.
How well you communicate, influence, persuade, and negotiate will ultimately determine the quality of your life.
Communication is:
- 7% Words
- 38% Tonality
- 55% Physiology
When people are like each other, they like each other. Rapport is a process of responsiveness, not necessarily “liking”.
Effective communication is essential to the proper functioning of any Business, and yet this fundamental skill is often lacking or in need of refinement.
Good communication skills are required for Leadership, Management, sales, and are the fuel for high performing teams.
Now you are faced with the choice, make the time to recognise the consequences of ineffective communication in your Business. Identify what prevents you from being an effective communicator with yourself and your team. There is an opportunity for you to improve the communication and understand the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication
It may seem fussy, but a small change in words can significantly alter the meaning of a message you give yourself and your unconscious mind. Instead of using words like wishing and hoping, choose language that expresses your commitment.
For example, I could say, “I hope I get a new client”. Instead, I could say something more empowering, which expresses commitment, such as; “I will create extraordinary value for clients and meet all their expectations for results and growth.” It’s about choosing words to express conviction, pro-activity and courage. If you do, it changes the energy with which you approach a goal and provides a greater opportunity to achieve it. Using this type of language signifies commitment rather than relying upon hoping and wishing something will turn up.
This is your next step:
Not only is changing your language important, because it sets up a proactive mindset towards the goal you want to achieve – following through with action is equally important. By identifying your next steps, you set yourself up for success. By doing what you say you will do, you can experience something very real, which you can truly feel and own. We can easily say we can do something we haven’t done before and act it out in our head. But until we act, we can’t claim to say we can do something we actually haven’t done yet. We can’t claim – nor can we give away – what we don’t own or haven’t experienced.
Act today to improve the quality of your results and the effectiveness of your communication.
Do you have the Vision for success that you need to achieve your goals?
Now is the time for you and I to get connected to ensure you have the Success and Lifestyle you are working towards.
Secure your time now! Make your appointment to Unleash your Vision to be the Leader within your Business that inspires and motivates.
Stop Selling, Start Connecting With Marketing That Attracts
Peter Blasch