Keep CalmIn one of our older blogs, we talked about how sorting out priorities can help with your personal

organisation process. In this blog, we give you a rundown on the Six Essential Keys for building an effective personal organization system that could help you to de-stress your life and achieve your goals faster and more efficient.

If you have ever felt like your life is a never-ending marathon that left you exhausted and demotivated at the end of each day. It is time for you to think about getting organised.

A good personal organization system can turn even the most hectic day in your life into one of tranquility, focus, and effectiveness. The problem is that, not many have been able to success with building one for themselves.

The main issue for getting yourself organized is that it takes a long time and constant dedication to build up a trusted system. Most of the time, people get frustrated and end up forfeiting their quest half-way and go back to their old habits of being messy and unorganized.

Six Essential Keys 


Neatness is the key habit for increasing personal productivity. By simply cleaning up your surroundings, whether it is your home, closet or office, you have created more time. This removes unnecessary stress for yourself when you have to find an item later on.

Neatness can empower you to become more powerful as a person and increase your determination to get the job done.

Note, that while it is good to be neat, it is going to have a counter effect if you are unable to find or it takes too much time to get to the items you need. The important point is that you should know and work out the designated place for everything to achieve the most efficiency for yourself.


Take time to evaluate yourself through the eyes of others. Are you trustworthy enough to be given the work that requires responsibility? It will be surprising how much more you can learn about who you are and what you should do to improve your image when you are in someone else’s shoes.


Do not let self-elusion get the better of you. The sooner you can drop your excuses and procrastination, the better off you will be. If you are still pondering, try working in a cluttered environment for two weeks and let the results speak for itself.


Make sure to de-clutter regularly by throwing out redundant items to maintain calm, open and accessible organized spaces.


It is always good to have a plan. Prior to commencing on a task, assemble the tools and resources you need first so when you start working, you have everything you need at your fingertips.


If you can finish a job now, do it. Do not postpone things as they will get tangled up later on. If it keeps slipping to the bottom of your working priorities, re-evaluate the importance of the task and decide whether it really needs to be finished. If not, dispose of it.

If you need help getting yourself organized to achieve success, contact Maverick Mentoring for Business for a FREE One-on-One Consultation.

It would be our pleasure to help you to achieve your goals and be successful.

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