“A New Year With New Beginnings” – Make this the mantra of your life and your business.

Did you finish 2010 running and trying to wrap up your projects, getting ready for your long overdue holiday and while doing this think about 2011 and what you need to do. While doing this feeling exhausted and frustrated with hint of tiredness while trying to be composed and focused on your business.

When you find yourself putting off important tasks over and over again, you’re not alone. In fact, many people procrastinate to some degree – but some are so chronically affected by procrastination that it stops them fulfilling their potential and disrupts their careers.

The key to controlling this destructive habit is to recognize when you start procrastinating, understand why it happens (even to the best of us), and take active steps to manage your time and outcomes better. The biggest reason for procrastination for people is that there is no specific goal operating in their lives, they don’t know what they are doing or why they are doing it.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is that they float through life without truly knowing what it is that they want to achieve. Just think what would happen if you get in your car and you don’t have a destination in mind. You will waste a lot of time, money and energy just driving around. And sure, you will end up somewhere but wouldn’t it be better to take a few moments and actually plan on where you want to go?

The more goals you can set for yourself, the less likely it is for you to procrastinate. When you set a large number of goals to achieve, you will find yourself moving faster and working more efficiently because you have so many that you have to get done in a limited period.

To get your goals set the way that will give you the success you are searching for is to ask yourself 5 Important Questions.

1) What are your five most important values?

2) What are your three most important goals in life ?

3) What have you always wanted to do?

4) What do you most enjoy doing?

5) What is one great thing that you would dare to dream if you knew you would not fail?

The way you answer these questions will determine how the year will unfold for you; Do you want to get through the year or do you want to purposefully and with focus and determination have the year that best serves you and gives you the successes that you set and deserve?

Now beat the procrastination beast, stop putting things off and take 30 minutes now to answer the questions and write your goals for the year and live the life you have always wanted.
